Learning Guides

Design Principles

  1. Learning purpose is clearly communicated. The big ideas or skills developed in a learning guide are apparent. These should fall naturally out of the programmes of learning.

  2. Learning is student centered. The learning takes students on a journey as most tasks are student centered.

  3. Learning is differentiated – by process, context or product and content.

  4. Learning can be completely independent of the teacher.

  5. Learning is varied. Both within learning guides and from one learning guide to the next.

  6. Learning processes are explicit. Where possible, learning behaviours (eg norms) and skills (eg thinking skills) are identified.

  7. Learning is challenging. Tasks provide appropriate level of challenge to engage and sustain interest.

  8. Learning is monitored. Could be through self assessment and reflections, peer assessments, formative assessments, diagnostic assessments or other checkpoints.

  9. Learning timeframes are indicated.

Why use a Learning Guide System?

A Learning Guide System provides a framework for personalised learning. Features are:

  • common language (across the school)
  • common format or features (within a learning area)
  • easy monitoring and reporting for Learning Advisors
  • self pacing and self management
  • flexible assessment
  • built in accountability

What is a Learning Guide?

A learning guide (either electronic or paper) provides an outline of the activities students need to complete to help them understand key concepts, or develop certain skills. Usually a large topic is broken down into units of work that would typically represent a week or two of learning.

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